Einstein. Ford. Hershey. Carnegie.
Theodore Roosevelt was certainly not the only influential person of his day. Learn more about the other men and women who had a profound impact on the nation and the world during this pivotal period in history.
John R. Hazel – Jurist and politician, perhaps best-known for administering the presidential oath of office to Theodore Roosevelt after the death of William McKinley
John Milburn – Prominent lawyer who served as the chairman of Buffalo’s 1901 Pan-American Exposition
Ansley Wilcox - Yale-educated lawyer who shared TR's interest in civil service reform and conservation; TR was inaugurated in the Wilcox home on September 14, 1901.
Mary Grace Wilcox - Leader within Buffalo society at the turn-of-the-century; actively involved in modifications made to the Wilcox home, including those that created the library where TR was inaugurated in 1901.
Robert Bacon - American diplomat who briefly served as Secretary of State under Theodore Roosevelt
Marcus Alonzo Hanna - Republican Party leader and United States Senator who was a mentor and patron to President William McKinley
John Hay - American statesman whose career spanned nearly 50 years; served as private secretary and assistant to Abraham Lincoln; he also served as Secretary of State under William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt
William McKinley - 25th President of the United States; assassinated in Buffalo, NY in 1901
Thomas Platt - Republican Party “boss” in New York State during the late 19th and early 20th centuries; sought to weaken TR’s political power by nominating him for the vice presidency in 1900
Elihu Root - American statesman and lawyer who served in the cabinets of Presidents William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt
William Howard Taft - 27th President of the United States
Benjamin Tillman – United States Senator from South Carolina noted for his outspoken support of white supremacy; nicknamed “Pitchfork Ben”
Woodrow Wilson - 28th President of the United States
Ethel Carow Roosevelt Derby - Fourth of TR’s six children
Alice Lee Roosevelt Longworth - First of TR’s six children
Alice Hathaway Lee Roosevelt - TR’s college sweetheart and first wife
Archibald “Archie” Roosevelt - Fifth of TR’s six children
Edith Kermit Carow Roosevelt - TR’s second wife; First Lady of the United States
Kermit Roosevelt - Third of TR’s six children
Martha “Mittie” Bulloch Roosevelt – Mother of President Theodore Roosevelt
Quentin Roosevelt - Youngest of TR’s six children
Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. - Second of TR’s six children
Theodore Roosevelt, Sr. - Father of President Theodore Roosevelt
Andrew Carnegie - Scottish-born American industrialist and philanthropist
Thomas Edison - Prolific American inventor; known as the “Wizard of Menlo Park”
Albert Einstein - German theoretical physicist who was just beginning his career during TR’s presidency
Henry Ford – Founder of the Ford Motor Company; popularized the moving assembly line and modern mass production; helped make the automobile affordable for the masses
Milton Hershey - American confectioner who founded the Hershey Chocolate Company
Guglielmo Marconi - Pioneer of radio communication
J.P. Morgan - American banker, financier, industrial organizer, and philanthropist
John D. Rockefeller - American business magnate and co-founder of Standard Oil
Orville & Wilbur Wright – Brothers and American inventors who created the world’s first practical airplane
Jane Addams - American social work pioneer, sociologist, and advocate of women’s suffrage
John Mitchell - American labor leader; President of the United Mine Workers of America
John Muir - Scottish-born American naturalist and conservationist; founder of the Sierra Club
Jacob Riis - Social reformer and photographer who introduced TR to the hardships of life in the New York slums
Upton Sinclair – American writer and reformer; best known for writing The Jungle, a novel about the meatpacking industry in Chicago
Booker T. Washington - African-American leader and educator
Edward VII – British king and emperor of India (1901-1910)
Meiji – Emperor of Japan (1867-1912)
Nicholas II – Russian emperor, or Tsar (1894-1917)
Wilhelm II – German emperor (Kaiser) and king of Prussia (1888-1918)
Geronimo - Apache religious and military leader
George Goethals – U.S. Army officer and civil engineer; best known for his role in building and opening the Panama Canal
Hermann Hagedorn – TR biographer; founding member of the Theodore Roosevelt Association
Leonard Wood –Physician and U.S. Army officer; with TR, commanded the 1st US Volunteer Cavalry (the “Rough Riders”) during the Spanish-American War
The Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural National Historic Site is operated by the Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural Site Foundation, a registered non-profit organization, through a cooperative agreement with the National Park Service.
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